Friday, April 15, 2011

I want to be a kid again

Have you ever woke up in the morning and look out the window (if your bed is next to the window, it is) and see kids laughing, shouting and smiling altogether for no reason at all and you wish you could do just that??? I do! But of course I can't, I'm effin 19! Whatever. The thing is, I think I can. Tapi org laen akan tgk cm kte nie org gle la..
Haha, tp bkn org gila cm yg ats nie la.. Aku tak tahu la, bpe lme org yang kat atas ni da tak mandi. And I don't want to know. Back to the point, I think you can laugh, smile and shout for no reason, only if you don't care what other people think of. Pernah aku ttbe gelak and senyum and jerit, nasib baik dlm keta, tp parents aku tgk aku cm aku org yg dlm gmbar ats nie la.. Teringat waktu kwn aku, greenmonster aka fathiah cte psl org gila kat kampung dye, Taiping. Orang gila 2, berlagak cm dye pnjaga lalu lintas, pastu org yg tak tahu 2, ikut jela jln yg dia bagi 2.. Aku tak tahu penghabisan cerita 2, mcm mana, ada korban jalan raya ke tak

Haih, nmpknya aku telah terpesong lagi.. Mari kita smbung cerita yg sebenar. Recap: Aku nk jadi budak2 lagi! Kan best. There's a quote I heard from a friend, saying "as we grow up, we find less and less things to laugh at". I couldn't agree more. After aku masuk university, truth be told, I was pretty uptight. Dah msuk U, aku jd lagi miserable. The whole sem one I spent on being emo. However, everytime I went home, my adik (the one who i think will NEVER grow up) shows me that, u can laugh at anything, u just have to find them. Bila da masuk sem 2, aku fikir, aku xleh ah emo lagi dah. So, I just let my guard down, change my thinking that there are people who were like my school friends and by friends I mean people who are 19 but acts like 10. Then, I met these 3 people. They were okay. I'm glad to have met them.

Kejap! Aku rasa, dah terpesong gak nih.. *sigh* I give up. Conclusion: I want to be a kid again!

Ats nie, adek sedara aku. Wooo~ tjmnye mata mmndg.. Terkezut den.

P.S. I, personnally cannot see the educational value of jumping and ducking.